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Ehdota määritelmää

Hait useita sanoja sisältävällä fraasilla. Kokeile hakea sanoja erikseen:


all in

  1. väsynyt, uupunut, voipunut, puhki oleva, puhki, kuitti, kuolemanväsynyt, loppu, puhekielen ilmaus, arkikielen ilmaus.

Lisää synonyymejää



puhki oleva, puhki Very tired.

By half past seven we were both pretty nearly all in, and wet from innumerable fordings of the river, so we stopped and boiled some hot water with the sugar left over from lunch.
1955, w:Rex Stout|Rex Stout, "The Next Witness", in w:Three Witnesses (book)|Three Witnesses, October 1994 w:Bantam Books|Bantam edition, ISBN 0553249592, page 51;
Either the celebrated lilt of her voice was born in, or she had used it so much and so long that it might as well have been. She looked all in, no doubt of that, but the lilt was there.
puhekieltä With everything included.
puhekieltä Being without any further stake to wager, but remaining active in a hand

By betting his last $100, John was all in.

puhekieltä A hand where at least one player bets all of his or her chips.
puhekieltä A player who is all in.

Since she was against an all in, Jill had no reason to bet.


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in, drive-in, taain, parhain, varhain, aamuvarhain, rajain, ohjain, kauko-ohjain, sauvaohjain

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